Integrations: Greenhouse Integration Details

An implementations guide to ERIN's Greenhouse Integration

ERIN has an integration with the Greenhouse ATS.

To use the integration, First you'll have to create and obtain your Greenhouse Job Board Token:

  1. Navigate to the page as the Admin
  2. Click the Configure icon in the upper right-hand corner and navigate to Job Boards on the left-hand panel. Screen_Shot_2018-12-10_at_4.20.01_PM.png
  3. From the Job Board page, find which external job board you are using
  4. Navigate down the Edit Your Job Board page, to URL and share the token you find at the end of that field (after the /).

Next, create and obtain your Harvest API Key:

  1. Click back on the Configure icon in the upper right-hand corner
  2. Navigate to Dev Center on the left-hand panel.
  3. Enter the API Credential Management page
  4. From that page, create a new API Key, Select Harvest as the type, and select all permissions.
  5. Your new API Key will populate as a string on the API Credentials page.

(Optional) Sourcing:

If you want to gather sourcing information for your candidate, you must create a job board tracking link. To do this:

  1. Click back on the Configure icon in the upper right-hand corner
  2. Navigate to Dev Center on the left-hand panel.
  3. Click the Three-Dots under Actions
  4. Select Tracking Link
  5. Leave the "Who Gets Credit" field blank and from the source drop-down, select ERIN
  6. Click "Create Link" and copy and save this

After you do this. Click on Greenhouse support, and ask them to provide you the "SourceID" for ERIN. Save down these values and send to your ERIN Account Manager


  1. Click back on the Configure icon in the upper right-hand corner
  2. Navigate to Users on the left-hand panel.
  3. Click on a user with "Site Admin" Permissions
  4. Locate the UserID within the URL. Save this down as well and send to your ERIN Account Manager


Finishing Up:

Now that you have both Job Board Token and API Key, from the admin Setting Page in ERIN, scroll to the Integrations Section:

  1. Select Greenhouse as the Integration Name
  2. Enter your firm's Job Board Token where it says API Credentials
  3. Paste in your Harvest API Key where it says "Harvest API Key"
  4. Choose the appropriate Hiring Contact
  5. Choose the appropriate Bonus Level (If you would like different bonuses assigned dynamically, please contact your ERIN account manager)
  6. Set Notifications based on your preference.

Save these settings and jobs will automatically sync from Greenhouse once daily.