Admin Success Metrics


To follow along with this article, you will need:

    • Admin level ERIN access or greater
    • One or more successful hires in ERIN


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What do these metrics mean?

    • % of Hires From Referrals - The percentage of hires from your employee referral program.

    • Referred to Hired Ratio - Ratio of unique candidates referred and the total # of Erin hires.

    • Referral Sourcing Velocity - Time taken (in days) between the job posting and hiring a referred candidate.

    • Referral Hiring Velocity - Time taken (in days) between the job posting and the hire date of the referred candidate.

  • %Adoption - Percentage of active employees out of the total number of employees at your company.

How do I enable the metrics?

‘Referred Candidates to Hire Ratio’  and ‘Referral Sourcing Velocity & Referral Hiring Velocity’:

These metrics will be inactive until you have your first hire via ERIN. So, get your users referring now!

If you are an existing customer and have had successful hires using ERIN these will begin calculating right away.

Estimated % Hires From Referrals:

If you are a new or existing customer, you can work with your Customer Success Champion to help you get this configured or follow the steps below to get this metric enabled.

  • Click on the gear icon

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  • Enter the approximate number of hires per year.

    Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 9.38.09 PM

  • Click the ‘Save’ button and this will begin to be calculated as your users refer candidates via Erin.

    Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 9.40.40 PM

Approximate Employee Adoption:

  • Click on the gear icon

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  • Enter the total number of employees at your company.

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  • Click the ‘Save’ button and this will begin to be calculated as your users refer candidates via Erin.

    Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 9.40.45 PM