Guide to Bonuses

To follow along with this article, you will need:

  • Manager Access with View permissions or higher in ERIN


In this article, you will learn how to view and manage bonuses. You will also learn how to edit bonus settings and create new bonuses.


All Bonuses

The All Bonuses tab shows an exportable grid of all existing referral bonuses. This includes bonuses that are ineligible for payout and bonuses that are in waiting periods. This page is exportable, so you can get a .csv file listing All Bonuses at any time using the export button in the top right corner of the Bonus Grid. You can also contact a member of the ERIN team to add an email address to receive an automated bonus report on a cadence of your choice.

Bonus Statuses

Bonuses can have a variety of statuses. Below are a list of the statuses and their meanings:

Pending: This bonus is currently in the waiting period.
Eligible: This bonus is eligible for payout! Make sure to pay it.
Ineligible: This bonus is no longer eligible for payout.
Paid: The bonus has been paid out to the employee.

Bonus Settings

The Bonus Settings page is home to some crucial information about Bonuses. Here, you can create new bonuses, manage existing bonuses, and adjust settings related to bonuses. Remember to always consult your ERIN Customer Success Manager before making any substantial changes to the system.


The Automations tab details some of the things you can do to automate ERIN’s features. For example, this tab can be used to control whether an employee’s absence on your daily feed will result in any bonuses for them being made ineligible. This is also where you can manage the length of your referral ownership period.


The Bonus Reporting tab is where you can add email addresses to receive Automated Bonus Reports. Currency, on the other hand, is where you can go to adjust currency values for internal and external employee groups. You can also adjust measurement systems here in the Group Setting tab.


The Referral Stages tab is where the “middle stages” of your referral process live. If you have an integration, we recommend leaving these alone. Referral stages can be up to 15 characters long.

Bonus Campaigns

Bonus campaigns are a great way to re-engage your employees with the system! Bonus campaigns can be set to run for an interval of time of your choosing and will highlight jobs to make them Hot Jobs. During this time, you can also increase the Bonus associated with these jobs temporarily. Once the campaign ends, everything will go back to the way it was before the campaign!


Employees will be active in your employee referral policy and be rewarded for their participation. The Points system provides Admins flexibility to individually manage employees' points in exchange for non-monetary rewards.


Points can be enabled by selecting Enable Points System for the following actions within ERIN:


Use Mobile App, Social Media Share, Referral Sent, Referral Accepted, Referral Interviewing, Referral Hired, Weekly Streak.


Admin can Download Points Log to view what Employee activity was taken and how many points they earned.

Points can be reset for all Employees by selecting the Reset All Employee Points button.